At Easyfish we are aware that the whole process of production, transportation, processing and consumption generates great imbalances in the environment. Our challenge is to feed the world in a sustainable way.

In addition, we support the circular economy and follow FAO guidelines to minimize food waste.

We have diversified our business to optimize raw materials more efficiently and minimize waste: human food, petfood and pharmaceutical and cosmetics.

About us

Towards a bluer world

At Easyfish we are aware that the whole process of production, transportation, processing and consumption generates great imbalances in the environment. Our challenge is to feed the world in a sustainable way.

In addition, we support the circular economy and follow FAO guidelines to minimize food waste.

We have diversified our business to optimize raw materials more efficiently and minimize waste: human food, petfood and pharmaceutical and cosmetics.


Own technology for quality control and traceability

Easyfish is present throughout the entire chain of production, packaging, quality control and loading. Our main objective is to make the process totally transparent for the customer and to keep him informed at all times.

We cooperate with regulatory institutions that ensure food safety and compliance with quality standards. Through the Qtrace App we can know the quality of products at all stages of their transportation.

Qtrace is creating a quality control tool that uses artificial intelligence, image recognition and machine learning to assess the quality of seafood products at every stage of the cold chain. Qtrace generates actionable data to support informed, real-time decision making for seafood producers and buyers, reducing food waste and plastic packaging from rejects.

Our vision is to increase product traceability and process transparency and, over time, make recommendations to seafood producers who regularly deliver inferior seafood products. We want to increase supply chain optics on origin, quality and sustainability practices in today’s seafood industry.

Guarantee of transparency, continuous innovation and sustainability.

We make your life easier

At Easyfish we are aware that the whole process of production, transportation, processing and consumption generates great imbalances in the environment. Our challenge is to feed the world in a sustainable way.

In addition, we support the circular economy and follow FAO guidelines to minimize food waste.

We have diversified our business to optimize raw materials more efficiently and minimize waste: human food, petfood and pharmaceutical and cosmetics.

Policy against shark finning

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) identifies shark finning as the practice of keeping shark fins on board while discarding the remainder of the body at sea.

We acknowledge that shark finning violates the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its International Plan of Action aimed at the conservation and management of shark populations. This practice also breaches and shows disregard for several resolutions enacted by international marine organizations, which are intended to reduce waste and discard. Shark finning is responsible for the deaths of a significant number of sharks annually and poses a threat to species that are deemed vulnerable.

In light of these concerns, EASYFISH, S.L., along with its affiliates and subsidiaries (if applicable), mindful of the management strategies implemented by the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) and in line with national and international guidelines for marine life conservation, has developed and integrated the following directives into its tuna procurement and supply policy:

  1. Explicitly condemn and forbid the practice of shark finning.
  2. Refrain from engaging in commercial dealings with vessels identified by the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) or by national or international authorities as being involved in shark finning or failing to land sharks with their fins naturally attached, when retained.
  3. Avoid business interactions with any entity that has not explicitly banned and denounced shark finning. Refuse to conduct transactions with companies lacking a public stance against shark finning, and those not adhering to the requirement of landing sharks with their fins naturally attached, when retained.

companies specialized in seafood products



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  • Chinese New Year

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